
27th International exhibition of Industrial technologies and innovations

24 – 26 September, 2024

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The international exhibition of Industrial technologies and innovations TechInnoProm

The Exhibition is included in the program of Belarusian Industrial and Investment Forum

At the same time and place with TechInnoProm will be held the international exhibition POLYMERS & COMPOSITES., the international exhibition Chemistry. Oil & Gas, and the international exhibition Proweld.

  • Outcomes of the Belarusian Industrial and Investment Forum – 2019

    Conceived twenty-two years ago as a large-scale review of the Belarusian best industry practices, the Belarusian Industrial and Investment Forum formed an extensive platform for promoting scientific-industrial innovations and high technologies. In fact, it has become an effective platform for constructive dialogue between representatives of science, industrial production and related industries of economy, and has become the source of international cooperation

    In 2019, more than 200 domestic industrial enterprises, scientific institutions, and small business organizations took part in this forum. The guests of the Belarusian Industrial and Investment Forum were delegations, officials and specialists from 32 countries.

    Within the framework of the Belarusian Industrial and Investment Forum the participants of the TECHINNOPROM, PROWELD, CHEMISTRY. OIL AND GAS, and PLASTEC exhibitions were 245 organizations from Belarus, Hungary, India, China, Ukraine, Slovakia, and Russia.

    More than 60 industrial enterprises and research centers performed the latest products and innovations at the collective expositions of 11 Russian regions (Bryansk, Kaluga, Kursk, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Penza, Pskov, Ryazan regions and the Republic of Mari El).

    For the exposition of the exhibitions and the business program events of the Belarusian Industrial and Investment Forum, in the pavilion of the football arena were used more than 6000 m², there were also built 5 mobile conference rooms equipped with all the necessary facilities and a simultaneous translation system

    3697 people visited the Exhibition and took part in the Forum events, including 396 foreign guests of official delegations from Slovakia, India, Japan, Uzbekistan, the Eurasian Economic Union, Russian regions, representatives of the diplomatic corps accredited in the Republic of Belarus, and individual specialists.

    As a part of the business program of the Belarusian Industrial and Investment Forum, were prepared and held 29 events, these are:

    • Panel discussion "Investing in the Future";
    • Belarusian-Japanese Economic Forum;
    • Belarusian-Slovak Economic Forum;
    • Indian-Belarusian Business and Technology Forum;
    • Panel discussion: Orsha District – a Region of Accelerated Industrial and Logistic Development. Belarusian-Indian cooperation;
    • Conference "Belarus smart industry: formation potential, threats, challenges and development opportunities";
    • Conference "Experience in cooperation between scientific organizations and enterprises of industrial complex of the Republic of Belarus";
    • Conference "Marketing B2B – an integrator of the development of the domestic industrial potential";
    • International symposium "Technologies. Equipment. Quality" including 6 section sessions:
      • 1. "Mastering, development and application of gas engine technologies in mechanical engineering",
      • 2. "Quality management system as a tool for continuous improvement, prevention of non-compliance and reduction of losses in the supply chain",
      • 3. "Ensuring the uniformity of measurements in the Republic of Belarus",
      • 4. "International recognition of accreditation as a mechanism to reduce technical barriers to trade",
      • 5. "Effective welding and related technologies",
      • 6. "Surface Engineering and Protective Coating";
    • International Scientific and Practical Symposium "Prospects for the development of additive technologies in the Republic of Belarus";
    • Seminar "Prospects for the Science of Chemical and Petrochemical Production 2019";
    • Seminar "Current issues of Russian companies" economic activity organization on the territory of the Republic of Belarus"
    • Seminar "Intellectual property in industry";
    • Seminar "Use of ventilation and aspiration installations in aggressive environments";
    • Round table "Prospects for the use of composite materials in the petrochemical industry of Belarus";
    • Exchange of subcontracts in industry;
    • Cooperation Exchange "Science and industry – innovation cooperation strategy";
    • Innovation Fair "Industry: from innovation to production";
    • Presentation of the Penza Region’s potential (Russian Federation);
    • Belarusian Welder championship with international participation;
    • Awarding ceremony of the Ministry of Industry’s enterprises on the occasion of their anniversary

    1285 specialists took part in this business program.

    The individual events outcomes of the business program of the Belarusian Industrial and Investment Forum – 2019

    The panel discussion "Investing in the Future" was prepared by the National Agency for Investment and Privatization together with the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Economy. The panel discussion moderator was G. V. Grits, PhD in Economics, head of the State Institution "Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Industry Leaders and Specialists "Industry Personnel" of the Ministry of Industry", member of the Presidium, deputy chairman of the Belarusian Scientific and Industrial Association on issues of investment policy and problems of modernization of the economy, member of a number of interagency commissions and working groups on economic development under the Government and the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Belarus. Independent experts and top-management representatives of industry of the Republic of Belarus, foreign guests, the diplomatic corps accredited in the Republic of Belarus, delegations and visitors from 25 countries took part in the discussion, about 160 people overall.

    74 people took part in the discussion on the Orsha District development perspectives.

    The bilateral forums preparations were made together with the Embassies of the Republic of Belarus in Japan and India, as well as with the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in the Republic of Belarus. 111 people attended the Belarusian-Japanese Economic Forum, 167 people took part in the Belarusian-Slovak Economic Forum, and 36 people attended the Indian-Belarusian Business and Technology Forum.

    The "Belarus smart industry" conference preparation was made together with the Ministry of Economy. 163 participants were registered, positive feedback was received from the organizers and as well as the assurances of further development in this field within the framework of the Belarusian Industrial and Investment Forum.

    The conference "Experience in cooperation between scientific organizations and enterprises of industrial complex of the Republic of Belarus" (organized by OJSC Naftan), as well as 3 other specialized events on chemical and oil and gas topics (seminar "Prospects for the Science of Chemical and Petrochemical Production" (organizer is the Institute of Chemistry of New Materials NAS of Belarus), the round table "Prospects for the use of composite materials in the petrochemical industry of Belarus" (organized by OJSC "Polotsk-Fiberglass") and the seminar "Use of ventilation and aspiration installations in aggressive environments" (organized by the LLC "Teploagregat Experimental Plant", Russia) complemented the business program of the Belarusian Industrial and Investment Forum regarding to the holding of the exhibition CHEMISTRY. OIL AND GAS within the framework of the Forum. More than 150 people attended these events.

    The "Marketing B2B – an integrator of the development of the domestic industrial potential" conference was organized by the Ministry of Industry, the Faculty of Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship of the Belarusian National Technical University, NGO "Guild of Marketers". More than 90 people took part in this conference. For the first time, an interactive debate on marketing and mass communications took place with the participation of specialists and invited expert marketers.

    Three sectional meetings of the international symposium "Technologies. Equipment. Quality", organized by the State Committee for Standardization were of the great interest to the specialists: "Quality management system as a tool for continuous improvement, prevention of non-compliance and reduction of losses in the supply chain" (organized by the RUE "Belarusian State Institute of Standardization and Certification"), "Ensuring the uniformity of measurements in the Republic of Belarus" (organizer is the RUE "Belarusian State Institute of Metrology"), "International recognition of accreditation as a mechanism to reduce technical barriers to trade" (organized by the RUE "Belarusian State Center of Accreditation"). More than 100 people took part in these meetings. The "Mastering, development and application of gas engine technologies in mechanical engineering" (organized by the Ministry of Industry (OJSC "Institute BELORGSTANKINPROM")), the "Effective welding and related technologies" (organized by the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (State Scientific and Production Association of Powder Metallurgy)) and the "Surface Engineering and Protective Coatings" (organized by the Ministry of Education (Belarusian National Technical University)) sectional meetings were also quite popular among the visitors of the Forum. About 30-40 people attended these sections.

    International Scientific and Practical Symposium "Prospects for the development of additive technologies in the Republic of Belarus" (organized by the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (State Research and Production Association of Powder Metallurgy)) was held at a traditionally high level.

    About 200 representatives of 80 enterprises (37 contractors and 47 subcontractors) took part in the "Exchange of subcontracts in industry", organized by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus (the Department of Entrepreneurship) together with the Belarusian Fund for the Financial Support of Entrepreneurs. During this event, more than 100 rounds of negotiations took place.

    Cooperation Exchange "Science and industry – innovation cooperation strategy" was prepared and held by the Ministry of Education (Belarusian National Technical University and the State Enterprise "Science and Technology Park BNTU Polytechnic"). In the plenary session took part 60 people. As part of the interactive part of the exchange, were presented 50 technology proposals from 14 scientific organizations in 4 industries. The exchange was visited by more than 25 enterprises and organizations of the Republic of Belarus. Over 90 specialists took part in the exchange; more than 40 negotiations took place.

    51 projects were presented at the Innovation Fair "Industry: from innovation to production" (organized by the State Committee for Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus (BelISA)), 165 people took part in the event, 145 scientific and technical projects were presented at stands of scientific institutions.

    182 specialists from 82 organizations took part in the Belarusian Welder championship with international participation. Awards were received by 18 welders in 3 nominations.

    7 of the Ministry of Industry’s enterprises got memorable diplomas and cups on the occasion of their anniversary celebrated in 2019.

24 - 26 September, 2024 24 - 26 September from 10 am till 6 pm 20/2 Pobediteley av., Roofed Soccer Arena, Minsk, Belarus



Exhibition sectors

Equipment, technologies and scientific and technical developments for industrial production
Innovation. Investments. Startups and Venture Funding
Industrial products and services
Organization and improvement of industrial production
  • Equipment, technologies and scientific and technical developments for industrial production

    1.1. Scientific and technical developments.
    1.2. Automation. Robotics.
    1.3. Equipment and technologies for metallurgy and casting, bearing production, metalworking industry, powder metallurgy.
    1.4. Equipment and technologies for cutting, stamping, forming, bending. Laser equipment and technologies.
    1.5. Equipment and technologies for transport and agricultural engineering, tractor construction, for the manufacture of lifting equipment.
    1.6. Equipment and technologies for machine tool engineering.
    1.7. Equipment and technologies for the defense and aerospace industries.
    1.8. Equipment and technologies for the production of computers and household appliances, industrial and consumer electronics.
    1.9. Equipment and technologies for precision engineering, instrument-making, electrical, optical and mechanical industries
    1.10. Equipment and technologies for the fuel and energy complex.
    1.11. Equipment and materials for nuclear energy.
    1.12. Equipment and technologies for light and food industries, mass catering and trade.
    1.13. Equipment and technologies for the production and processing of rubber and plastic products, ceramics, glass, fiberglass, and other non-metallic mineral products.
    1.14. Equipment and technologies for the forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper industries.
    1.15. Equipment and technologies for the building materials industry.

  • Innovation. Investments. Startups and Venture Funding

    2.1. Innovation. Investments. Startups and Venture Funding

  • Industrial products and services

    3.1. Metallurgy production. Hardware production, fasteners and calibrated metal rolling. Powder metallurgy. Recycling of scrap and waste of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and waste of electrical and electronic equipment.
    3.2. Metal processing. Bearings production. Production and mounting of metal constructions.
    3.3. Thermic and thermochemical treatment of materials.
    3.4. Products of the automobile and aviation industries, railway engineering and carriage building, agricultural engineering. Lifting equipment. 3.5. Cars. Cargo, passenger, trailed and special vehicles.
    3.6. Electric cars, electric buses, trolley buses and other electric vehicles.
    3.7. Auto components. Spare parts for tractor equipment.
    3.8. Hydraulics. Pneumatics. Ventilation. Conditioning. Filtration. Compressors. Pumps. Vacuum technics. Pipeline and stop valves.
    3.9. Combine and forage harvesting, cob and potato harvesters, mowers and other agricultural machinery.
    3.10. Freight railway rolling stock.
    3.11. Diagnostics. Technologies and means of measuring and control, analytical equipment.
    3.12. Machine-tool and press-forging equipment, technological machine-tool gear. Instruments and stamps.
    3.13. Television, household, medical equipment.
    3.14. Products of the optical-mechanical industry. Night vision devices, thermal imaging equipment.
    3.15. Means for anticorrosive protection. Lines and equipment for surface preparation. Painting, waterproofing and pressurizing materials, bitumen emulsion. Wear-resistant, anti-corrosion and anti-friction coatings.
    3.16. Non-metallic materials in industry and equipment for its production: ceramics, glass, glass fibers, rubber, plastics, graphite, compounds, woods, etc. Secondary polymeric raw materials, lubricants.
    3.17. Building materials. Innovations in construction sphere and housing and communal economy field.
    3.18. Products of the forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper industries.
    3.19. Special-purpose textile, garments and footwear. Leather in the automobile, railway and aviation industries. Refractory non-combustible textile products, composite non-combustible textile materials. Industrial furniture.
    3.20. Construction and operation of heat, water, gas supply systems. Ensuring safe uninterrupted supply of natural and liquefied gas to consumers. Gas equipment and pipe fittings. Equipment for public utilities.
    3.21. Gaseous technologies in machine-building. Re-equipment of cars on compressed natural gas and their maintenance. Equipment for gas stations.
    3.22. Design, supply, installation, commissioning, repair, reconstruction, testing and maintenance of electrical equipment of industrial installations.
    3.23. Generators and power units. Boilers, boiler accessories. Diesel generators. Radiant heating systems. Industrial accumulators. Uninterruptable power systems.
    3.24. Electric charging stations for charging electric vehicle batteries with direct and three-phase or single-phase alternating current.
    3.25. Transformers, capacitors, electric motors, wiring accessories and other electrical products.
    3.26. Automation, control and measuring devices in power supply systems. Electrical cabinets, control desks. Electrical protection.
    3.27. Lighting equipment and sources of light.
    3.28. Cables and wires. Industrial power lines on enterprise.

  • Organization and improvement of industrial production.

    4.1. State regulation and support. Public private partnership. Investments. Start-ups.
    4.2. Organization of foreign economic activity. Export. Import.
    4.3. Personnel training, professional development.
    4.4. Exchange trades of industrial products.
    4.5. Modernization and service. Repair of machinery and equipment.
    4.6. Technical regulation, standardization, metrology, and conformity assessment.
    4.7. Energy-efficient and resource-saving technologies.
    4.8. Supervision of the rational use of fuel, electric and thermal energy.
    4.9. Devices and systems of calculation and regulation of consumption of fuel, thermal, and electric energy, of water.
    4.10. Nonconventional sources of energy: sun, wind, thermal pumps, biogas energy complexes and etc. Waste energy.
    4.11. Storage, packaging, logistics. Transport and storage systems.
    4.12. Industrial safety and labor protection. Equipment for work places. Technical control. Fire-fighting equipment. Access control and management systems.
    4.13. Environmental Safety. Rational use and protection of natural resources. Environmental protection technologies. Industrial cleaning. Recycling. Equipment for the collection and processing of secondary raw materials. Radiation control and monitoring.

In the Forum Agenda

  • International symposium «Technologies. Equipment. Quality»

  • International Scientific and Practical Symposium «Prospects for the development of additive technologies in the Republic of Belarus»

  • Conference «New challenges for B2B Marketing, key success drivers»

  • Seminar «Digitalization of industrial facilities: from 3D laser scanning to digital twin»

  • Innovation Fair «Industry innovation: technologies and equipment»

  • Exchange of subcontracts in industry

  • Contact and cooperation exchange «Science and industry – innovation cooperation strategy»

  • Seminar «Science perspectives for chemical and petrochemical production»

  • Competition of Belarusian welders with international participation

  • Seminars and presentation of the forum partisipants

Exhibiting options and fees

For foreign participants

  • Exhibiting options and fees for foreign participants

    Registration fee
    Indoor unequipped area
    Indoor equipped area
    Outdoor unequipped area
    Accreditation of promoter without stand

    Registration fee is a mandatory fee and covers following services: organizational expenses, posting information about participant on the website of the exhibition, an invitation for two persons to an evening exhibition opening event, 4 permanent passes.

    Indoor unequipped area is a bare space with no wall partitions. You can build your own stand or order stand design at our accredited stand construction company. Check the options you may have here. Minimum stand size – 6 sq. m.

    Indoor equipped area includes: cost of the unequipped area, perimeter wall partitions, floor carpet (different colours available), fascia without inscription, 1 plug-socket (220V, up to 1 kW), 1 spot-light for each full 4 sq. m.,1 table with 2 chairs, wall coat rack, waste basket. Minimum stand size – 6 sq. m.

    Outdoor unequipped area is reserved for design installations or portable/mobile stands outside the exhibition pavilion.

    Accredited participation without a stand allows your representative to promote your company inside the exhibition pavilion, to give out leaflets and other promotional materials to visitors without booking an exhibition area.



How to get

You can use any of the following means of transport to get to the Roofed Soccer Arena

  • Bus: 1, 11, 44, 91, 133, 136
  • Trolleybus: 10
  • Shuttle taxi: 1051, 1056, 1073, 1197
  • GPS: 53.933831, 27.508929

Please note that Roofed Soccer Arena is pronounced in a different way in Belarusian language.

Thus, when getting around the city please use the following address:
Futboĺny maniež
Praspect Pieramožcaŭ 20/2
Minsk 220020 Belarus


EXPOFORUM Exhibition Company ExpoForum 91 Pritytskogo str., office 432, Minsk 220140 Belarus

Vera Tsimanovich, International Communications Manager